So last week, The family and I went on a road trip to Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is 1 state over from where I live in Maryland. Why did I go to ? Well, we went to go visit Lake Tobias!
What IS Lake Tobias?
Located in Halifax Pennsylvania, Lake Tobias is a 150 acre wildlife park. No, there’s not a lake there for you to go swimming in. The park has an open air safari which offers you the memory making chance to hand feed wildlife such as bison, water Buffalo, watusi, yak, eland and zedonks while they stroll right next to you! I have to admit, once we got to the safari tour, I was pretty impressed with the park.
Why Visit ?
So I know you guys are asking, “why do I need to go and visit Lake Tobias?”. Well here are some of my reasons listed below.
Firstly, the park is a wildlife park. It is home to many wonderful and exotic animals. When I first entered the park, the 1st thing that I saw were Bengal tigers, black bears, and an ostrich. I also saw a zebra that was living in the same habitat the ostrich. There’s so many awesome animals there that you actually wouldn’t expect to see right up close!
Go At Your Own Pace
Another plus about the park is that you can go at your own pace and your own direction. So, if you want to stop and rest you can. Or, if you just want to walk throughout the entire park at a steady pace, you can do that,too. By the way I do NOT recommend speeding through the park. I think you should just take your time and enjoy everything… all the beauty and nature that it is around you.
Awesome Experience: Petting Zoo!
Did you know that Lake Tobias has it its own petting zoo? It’s true! At the petting zoo, they have lots of goats and deer that you can pet. There is also a camel and an emu there to pet. Now that I think of it… there are a LOT of emu around the wildlife park,lol!
Snakes & Gators?!
Once you get past the petting zoo, gibbons, Bobcats, and baboons, you can also go and visit the reptiles and exotic facility. That was one of my favorite places to visit. I liked watching the anaconda and pythons slither around. There was also a small alligator and snake available for visitors to pet!!
I would say that the total amount of time to walk around the park would be between one to 1 1/2 hours …maybe 2 hours. Then if you splurge the extra $7 for the safari tour you’re gonna have another maybe 30-40 minutes of park time ahead of you. But, this time, you’ll be in a topless bus, and you’ll be in with the animals instead of looking at them through a fence.
Safari, Anyone?
Guys I highly suggest that if you do go to Lake Tobias, you definitely should pay the extra $7 to go on the safari tour. It’s a great way to be up close and personal with a lot of different animals in the park, and the memories of the experience is just phenomenal. I mean, you get a chance to be up close and personal with bison, Australian cows, deer, llamas…just all kinds of amazing animals. I personally think that you should do it. Just pay the extra $7 it’s an amazing experience!
Pictures Make It Worth It!!
Just in case you guys don’t, believe the words I’m writing down (eye roll), you can also just glance right down below and take a look at all of the photos and video footage I captured for you. Proof positive that Lake Tobias Wildlife Park is definitely a PA “Must See”! So the next time you’re in Pennsylvania stop by Halifax, and take a couple of hours out to go visit Lake Tobias!
Want A Giveaway?
Are you in the Pennsylvania area or planning to be? Well, Here’s your chance to win 4 tickets to Lake Tobias! Just enter the giveaway down below. It’s pretty simple to enter (there’s only a couple of steps). MANDATORY STEPS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED OR YOU RISK DISQUALIFICATION. The giveaway is open to whomever can get to the park during the 2019 season. And, the tickets include both admission into the park as well as the amazing Safari tour. Good luck to all of you who enter!
I love the safari tour