2019 Has Been… Good?
Happy 2019 to y’all! I’ve been a little MIA this year. But that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been thinking about you guys and writing up drafts to future articles. January was a rough month for me. I got sick with the flu AND then I was hit with a cold. Back to back sicknesses were not good for me. Ad it is right now, I have continuous runny nose and phlegm is stuck in the back of my throat all day every day. I can barely talk without having to clear my throat because it’s raspy from nastiness.
So… What’s Up?
I do have a lot to talk with you about,though. I haven’t put everything in writing yet, but it;s getting there. I;m in the process of switching my blog approach. It’s going to centered more on things that matter, and not just all trivial “dumb” stuff. I want to write about what’s real… not just fantasy type things. I’m still going to have my Guest and Sponsored posts, and I will still post about collaborations that I do with the companies and clients I work with. But, you will also be seeing a lot more of me and what I do on a daily basis. One day might be boring AF, but then the next day might be truly exciting.
So… January passed with barely a peep out of me, and now we are in the middle of February. I mean… it’s freaking VALENTINE’S DAY for Pete’s sake,lol! To catch really quick, let me tell what’s happened.
- I started the process of a new outside career. Blogging will always be here, but I need my “big girl” job,too.
- My baby girl started driving.
- I started living a Keto Lifestyle (well… trying and failing miserably)
Hooray For Travel!
One of the other great changes this year is that I have really started focusing on my travels. Yes, I’ll be working outside of the home a lot more, but I will also be making strong efforts to travel more and share those travels with you all. I hope you choose to follow my travel journeys!
Okay, well… that really it for now. I have an article coming up for you guys about the National Museum Of African American History And Culture that I would loooove for you to read. It’s going to be filled with info and photos from my visit there. Thank you for taking time out to read this post, and thank you so much for being a Tricia’s-List reader!