
Low Carb & Keto Friendly Easy Cheese Crisps- Make Them Yourself! #Cooking

Easy Cheese Crisps- Make Them Yourself! #Cooking

Low carb keto snacks

So… just made myself a pretty happy girl. I taught myself how to make cheese crisps! After constantly eating Whisps Cheese Crisps, I decided to take a shot and learn how to make something similar. Not because I want to stop eating Whisps, mind you… but because my pocketbook can’t keep taking the money hits,lol. Oh yeah… did I mention that these crisps are LOW CARB and KETO FRIENDLY? Yup… you gotta try em!

The recipe is really simple, and cooking them is even easier. They literally only take 5 minutes to cook! And take look at what they look like:


Easy keto crisps

How amazing do those look?! Wanna make them? Here’s the recipe!

Keto Cheese Crisps Recipe

1-2 Cups of your favorite cheese (I used Colby-Jack)

Parchment Paper ( I used Reynolds parchment paper)

Cooking Directions

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put parchment paper on top of cookie sheet. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of cheese on paper to make one crisp. Continue adding cheese, leaving space in between each spoonful so the cheese can have space to expand while it is melting in the oven. After spooning cheese, place into oven for 3-5 minutes. I suggest waiting the full 5 minutes BUT watch to ensure the cheese doesn’t get too brown or burn. Once cheese is melted, take cookie sheet out of oven and let the crisps cool. Enjoy!!

Keto cheese crisps

NOTE: I have been told that if you want really crispy crunchy crisps, you should use parmesan because that is a hard cheese and it crisps up a lot better. I just used Colby-Jack because it is one of my favorite cheeses to eat. You can actually use any type that you may fancy; Next time I make a batch of these, I plan on using asiago and parmesan.

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