I’m Hair Transitioning… And It’s Freakin’ AWESOME!
So. Last year around this time, I cut my hair. Actually… I shaved it. I shaved all of it except for the top because I was too chicken to go completely bald. Why did I cut it? Because after years of relaxers, heat damage, and just plain not making the right healthy choices for my hair… I gave up. I wanted healthy hair, and I wasn’t going to get it by leaving the damaged part(s) attached to me. So… the chop happened. Off track here, but the big chop can also be attached to other life experiences. For example… bad person in your life? Cut them out. Little bastards,lol.

Since then (October 2014), I have been sporting a nice little short “do”. I have had pretty good hair growth through this year, but I still felt like I wasn’t doing enough to ensure healthy hair growth. That’s why I started researching hair transitioning and how to properly care for my hair.
Now, you would think that at my age, I would know how to care for my hair,right? Wrong. I was basically raised to embrace the use relaxers and/or hail the trusty pressing “hot comb“. I was never taught to embrace my natural hair, even though my mother has amazing and beautiful hair that trails all the way down her back. Anyway, I researched. I had become very upset with my dry, brittle, and breaking hair. Even though I had cut it and it was growing, I was still having problems with it being too dry. Not to mention, I had a terrible itchiness going on with my scalp. I was … scared. When you Google a question, you can get all of these horrible scenarios put in your head. You can end up convincing yourself that you have a life threatening disease when really… you have a common cold. I thought I was in the beginning stages of alopecia from the what the “internet told me”. LOL (but not really).
I finally found some trust worthy Black Hair Care websites that I felt were good to use as references. I came to the decision to choose the ones I did because they all seemed to correlate with each on how to care for natural hair. And, my journey started. 1 week ago (September 20,2015) to be exact. I took my happy booty over to Walmart and Target and gathered up some Shea Moisture products to begin with. They were surprisingly affordable, too. They had a 4 piece trial kit that included shampoo, hair milk, a styling mist, and hair smoothie.
Smoothie?? Sounds delicious, huh? Your hair will think so, too! Anyway, I went home and began day 1 of my Natural Hair Transition by … washing my hair. I washed my hair, towel dried it, and then put in the leave in conditioner. After that, I rubbed some coconut oil through my hair. This process is called sealing, and it helps to keep the moisture in your hair that you get from the conditioner or other moisturizing product your use. Then … I used the smoothie to twist my hair into sections. When I say twist, I mean that I took small sections of my hair, and twisted my hair until it basically coiled up. After the twisting, I covered my head with one of my cool bandanas that you basically always see me wearing in all of my photos,lol. Don’t worry, I will include photos of the process that I using. It’s a pretty simple and it gives you great results. You remember earlier how I was saying that I worried about having dry,brittle hair? Well, after Day 4 of my transition, I no longer have the dry hair problem. It’s absolutely CRAZY how the texture and health of your hair can change once you start caring for it properly. Not only do I have better moisturized hair, I have better looking hair and the texture is softer than it has ever been (that I can remember) in its natural state. And this is only after ONE WEEK of correct hair care. I am thrilled to see what will continue to happen… Go me!!

So…that is Week 1 (yes..only 7 days into it) of my experience. It’s amazing to be natural. I’ve been on both sides of the hair care spectrum. I don’t dislike relaxers; they make your hair beautifully straight and all of that jazz. But at the same time, it is stripping your hair of health. I never paid attention to that before in my younger life. Natural Hair is just better for your hair..and your scalp. No harsh chemicals stripping your hair, no sulphur to burn your skin…none of that. And the result is beautiful, shiny, sometimes bouncy, curly hair. I love it. Stay tuned for further updates on how my hair journey goes!
2 Month Update!
Hey, Everyone! It’s been two months since I started transitioning to natural hair (no relaxers),and WOW! So many noticeable good changes. I have little to no hair breakage when I I comb my hair now, and my hair is so much easier to comb through. My hair is also softer and healthier looking and feeling. I have no issues with washing my hair every 2 days, which is something that I dreaded doing when I was putting chemicals in my hair to straighten it. Oh… the best part about this update? My hair is returning to its naturally curly state AND I have about 2 inches of new healthy hair growth…PHENOMENAL! I’ll be writing another article to continue documenting my journey…I hope you visit to #WatchWhatHappens !
5 Month Update!!
Hey,everyone! Here’s an update on how my hair transitioning is doing. It is now March 11,2016, & it is 5 months later. So far, my hair has grown about 6 inches. That’s over 1 inch per month, & I’m super excited about that! My hair is so much healthier now, & when I comb it, I almost never have breakage (unless I slacked off on moisturizing during the week). I can’t wait to see what results I get this coming Summer… here are some photos of my hair right now!
interesting post, nice you tube vid, information abou the hair products, them being expensive, funny, nice transformation of your hair
Yay!! Welcome to the natural club friend!! Guuuurl, wait til I hip you to my “prepoo” mixture!! You’re going to love it!!
Your hair looks great!
Thank you ,Jennifer!!